Presenting Your Paper
All papers at InnovationKT'2010 will be presented orally - we have no poster presentations.
Each paper is allocated a slot of 20 minutes, to be made up of 15 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes discussion/questions and changeover.
We would usually allocate six papers to a two-hour session, or four papers to a 1.5 hour session, but sometimes it is impossible to timetable this exactly, so there might be fewer. In such a case the sesion chair might be a little more lax about time.
A dataprojector and laptop will be available. Please bring your presentation on a USB flashdrive and upload it onto the computer during the coffee break just before the start of your session. This will also give you the opportunity to meet the session chair.
Some presentations may be videoed and excerpts or full presentations made available after the conference on the website. We may also publish the slides of your presentation on the website. Please let us know if either of these things is likely to be a problem for you.